It is important to understand the amount you will need to pay your lender before you apply for a home loan and ensure you can comfortably meet your repayments. This calculator can help you crunch the numbers. It is important to note this is an indication only and the repayments can vary depending on factors such as loan type (for example if it is a split loan) and whether you have fees or money in an offset account.
Your adviser can factor these in and provide a more accurate figure.
Find out how much you may be able to borrow to purchase property.
See how much your home loan repayments will be if you choose to split your loan between a fixed and variable rate.
Find out how much sooner you could pay off your loan and how much you might save in interest by using an offset calculator.
Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch.
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©2025 Loan Market
Company Number: 4313118 | NZ Financial Services Group Limited (FSP286965)
The information provided on this site is on the understanding that it is for illustrative and discussion purposes only. Whilst all care and attention is taken in its preparation any party seeking to rely on its content or otherwise should make their own enquiries and research to ensure its relevance to your specific personal and business requirements and circumstances. Terms, conditions, fees and charges may apply. Normal lending criteria apply. Rates subject to change. Approved applicants only.
*Your adviser may charge a fee to cover additional time required by their team. Any fees will be discussed with you in advance so you can make an informed decision before proceeding with your application.